Welcome to

Crestwood Park Primary School

Be the best you can be

Welcome to our Newsletter!

We've ended the week with the second Class Assembly of the month- today it was the turn of Year 5! We learnt all about the Ancient Mayan Civilisation (and about the gruesome ways they dealt with special guests) - see if your children can tell you all about it! Also today, our SPARKS Captains carried out their first Crestwood Park Acts of Kindness (see below for more details). 

Next week we begin 'Festive Fun' for KS2 where children will work in their House Teams on Christmas crafts, cards and a creative calendar. (Reception and KS1 will have their 'week' later on in the term.) You don't need to provide anything for this...just look out for lots of lovely creations in school bags at the end of the day!

Thankyou for supporting us with our slightly adjusted school times- as a reminder, children need to be in the building by 8:50am (doors open from 8:40am) and the school day ends at 3:20pm. We can see most children are getting to school at the right time and are ready, calm and settled to start learning. 

As mentioned last week, we have delivered a series of NSPCC assemblies across the school this week- if you would like to look again at the resources designed specifically for you to use at home, you can go back to last week's newsletter by clicking here.


Happy Birthday to you..

We would like to say a very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to... Rudy, Joseph and Evie-May who have celebrated their birthday this week, or will be celebrating over the weekend.



Congratulations Mandy!

We are over-the-moon to announce that Mandy Moore (known as the second 'Mandy' in 'Mandy, Mandy and Pat'!) is now our catering manager. She takes over from Mandy Hayden who hung up her cook's apron back in September. Although Mandy (Moore!) has been part of our school family for a long time, it's great to see her promoted into this role and we know she will go from strength to strength. Congratulations Mandy!

Amazing Attendance

Reception Ella, Aaron, Alexander, Jak, William, Stanley, Jack, Adah, Evelyn, Alexander, Bailey, Ezmae, Archie, Ella, Jackson, Rudy, Sophie, Roman, Willow-Grace, Harry, Beatrice, Paisley, Kayden

Year 1 Brianna, Theo, Harlen, Zachary, Emma, Eva, Archie, Billie, Arthur, Melissa, Conor, Thomas, Oliver, Cody, Darcie, William, Lewis, Harmonee, Kayden, Sienna-Rose

Year Two Betsy, Mason, Lotty, Grace, Zach, Ava, Isabella, Fearne, Nathan, Heidi, Mihail, Delilah, Nahla, Ashley, Joshua, Rose, Hassan, Cailen, Chloe, Emilie, Benjamin, Millie, Joshua, Frankie

Year Three Jayden, Xavier, Oceanna, Angel-Leigh, Jenson, Harper-Rose, Declan, Jake, Alesia, Isla, Rosie, Katya, Haidar-Ali, Ashleigh, Jasmine, Leila-Rae, Lilly Mai, Evelyn-Mae, Caelan, Nathaniel, Amber, Renesmai

Year Four Lily, Molly, Esmè, Rhys, Kaiden, Harry, Lillie, Harrison, Ty, George, Amber, Harvey, Daniel, Kyle, Nicholas, Rosie, Faye, Logan, Amelia, Isabella, Thomas, Eden, Samuel, Ameliya, Leah

Year Five Harry, Savannah, Joseph, Nate, Tiana, Rosie, Oliver, Max, Dannii, Jakob, Reece, Jack, Alina, Jamie, Alana, Elliot, Rhylee, Jacob, Lola, Ethan, Dylan

Year Six  Scarlett, Daisy-Mae, Logan, Sophia, Travis, Daniel, Autumn, Joshua, Eva, Noah, Asa, William, Molly,  Lily, Cooper, Troy, Amelia-Rose, Darntai, Dakotah, Miley, Daisy, Kayden, Dominic

Attendance Challenge!

From 28th November to the 9th December we are setting all of our children another attendance challenge!

Whichever class has the best attendance between the 28th November and 9th December will be rewarded with a NON-UNIFORM day to celebrate their amazing attendance! 

Are you up for the challenge? 

Breakfast with Santa - Week Commencing 5th December

We are really excited that Santa will be joining us for breakfast again this year!

‘Breakfast with Santa’ is a before school event where children can come to eat a festive breakfast with their friends, meet Santa and receive an early Christmas present. Parents also receive a photograph as a reminder of the morning. 

  • you need to make payment and give consent on the Teachers2Parents app by Thursday 1st December
  • to access the booking go to the ‘Clubs’ tab on your T2P app. This event is £7.00 per day (no increase from last year)
  • you can book more than one ‘Breakfast with Santa’ day if you wish
  • children should be brought to the main entrance at 8am on the day of their BWS booking
  • sorry but no refunds for non-attendance

If you would like your child/ren to attend but are struggling to pay, please contact the school office so we can work together to find a solution. 

A message from the Pastoral Team...

Thank you so much for the wonderful decorations you have sent in for our tree.  
Why not start get into the Christmas spirit and visit Wordsley Church where our tree will be displayed from Friday 2nd December from 2pm until 4pm, Saturday 3rd December from 10am until 5pm and on Sunday 4th December from 11am until 2.30pm and then from 4pm until 6pm.
Our children will be taking the tree to the church on Thursday and will then be visiting Hillcroft Nursing Home in Wordsley to sing carols and chat with the residents. We are really looking forward this community event. 
Although there are lots of fun things happening for our families and children, we realise that this can be a difficult time of year for some.  We are always here to support you, please contact us if we can help in any way.  We hope you all have a lovely weekend, keep safe and look after each other. xx

Celebrating our Children's work

Every week we would like to celebrate a piece of work which has been created by our children. If you child produces work at home that you would like to share, please send it in to us at info@crestwood-p.dudley.sch.uk 

As you all know our children have been enjoying Forest school.
Amber in Year 4 wrote a fantastic letter to Ms Bullas to tell her all the great things we have been learning about during Forest School sessions and to show our appreciation of such a brilliant and enjoyable thing she has organised for us all.
Well Done Amber.

KS1 Performance Tickets

Tickets for the KS1 performance have been on sale this week, although there were a few teething problems, we hope that everyone has managed to book a ticket for the date that suits them, on the School Life app. 

We have tried to consider costs and have decided not to charge for the KS1 performance this year.

However, there will be the opportunity for you to donate to our school fund following the performance, if you would like to. All donations are greatly received... and they really do make a difference to our children.


This week's TT Rockstars!

Well done to Troy in Year 6. You are this week's times tables champion with over 1000 correct answers in a week.

Well done Troy, can anyone beat that next week?

Community Acts of Kindness

Our SPARKS Captains have been out litter-picking in the local community today with Mrs Brierley.

They managed to collect 4 bags of rubbish from the surrounding streets of our school!

A very BIG well done to the team- we are really proud of how much you care about our local community.


And finally...

Thank you to all parents who supported us during this week's Ofsted visit. The Inspectors had plenty of positive comments about the school and our wonderful children. The girls and boys who spoke to the visitors about their learning were fantastic and we are incredibly proud of them all. Thankyou to parents who spoke to the Inspectors on the playground and to those who took the time to complete the Parent View Survey- again, comments were overwhelmingly positive.  We are looking forward to receiving the report in the New Year and we will of course share it with you all, as soon as we are able to.

Have a good weekend everyone- look after each other and take care of yourselves. 

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is the responsibility of everyone in our school and at all times we consider what is in our children's best interests. We work to ensure our children our safe and cared for and by doing this we are protecting their health and development and preventing them from harm.  If we are worried, we will raise concerns, share information and take prompt action with the aim of ensuring families receive the right help at the right time.

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