Welcome to

Crestwood Park Primary School

Be the best you can be

Welcome to our digital ambassador's page!

We support the children of Crestwood Park to be:

'Technologically equipped for the future.'



Meet the team

Some of our year 6 children have been chosen to become Crestwood Park's digital ambassadors. Their role is to raise awareness of cyber safety and to support others with their computing skills by offering advice and information.


I want to be a digital ambassador because I want to help with the laptops and make them work for everyone.


I am excited to be a digital ambassador this year. I want to help support the younger children to use and enjoy the computers.


I like to help people to log on and use all the devices. I'm excited to set up and run a Crestwood computer club during lunchtimes.


I want to help children know which apps are safe to go on, and how to stay safe online. I love helping on other year groups' computing lessons.


The digital ambassadors help with charging the devices each day. They also drop-in to KS1 computing lessons to offer support to the younger children. They have also set up a weekly computing club for year 4 children, which runs every Wednesday lunchtime.


Useful websites for E-Safety!

A School Life Website
School Life app download
School Life app download
Wellbeing Award for Schools
Silver School Games Award