Welcome to

Crestwood Park Primary School

Be the best you can be

Welcome to Year One's Class Page

Hi Year 1! I just wanted to send a massive well done to all of you working at home and in school. I have been so impressed with your positive attitudes and commitment to learning - you are all superstars! This will be the last week of updating our class page (w/c 13/07/20) before our Summer break - but I will keep all the content on here for you to use if needed over Summer! If you would like a home learning pack then please pop into the office before the end of the week. I hope you all have a fantastic Summer and have some fun and a good rest before returning to us in September. We can't wait to spend a bit of time with you before you make your move into Year 2! Take care and love to you all, Miss Obertelli and Mrs Tonks x

Please try to complete at least one of the items from the following list each day:

  • Year 1 home learning pack on our 'Learning From Home' page
  • Wednesday homework task
  • A variety of activities on this page under subject headings
  • Daily Purple Mash activity to complete and submit
  • White rose hub maths challenge - see below
  • Talk for Writing - Please read

    Here is a new story that year 1 can begin to learn at home. It is called Sayeeda the Pirate Princess! These documents are lengthy, but this is because it is designed to take you some time. Don't feel that this all needs to be completed in one session, this will probably last you at least a couple of weeks. Take time to get to know the story, Year 1 have spent lots of time this year using actions and story maps to retell different stories. They can even make masks or puppets to act the story out. Work through this pack one activity at a time, don't try to rush.

    Crestwood Park have made a donation to Great Ormond Street hospital to host these packs on their website. There is no requirement for parents to make a donation themselves.


    If anyone would like a printed copy of the pack, please get in touch with school and we can print it off and get it delivered to you. Many thanks. 

    Here are the previous Talk for Writing booklets. If you haven't finished these yet, please don't rush. Continue to work through and when you are finished you can look at Sayeeda the Pirate Princess!

    English challenge - W/C 13/07/2020 (NEW!)

    Hi Year 1,

    This week I have an English task for you.

    Answer these questions about the picture below:

    • Where is it from?
    • Why is it so small?
    • Are there more like him?
    • Where does he live?
    • How will you look after it?
    • Will you keep it a secret or tell someone?
    • What is it called?
    • Is it magic?  What magic can it do?


    Submit your work to: info@crestwood-p.dudley.sch.uk

    English activity booklet - Summer booklet


    Year 1 love going on the website phonics play! https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/ The website is curretly offering free membership to all children.Username: march20
    Password: home  

    Some games to try are: Obb and Bob and Trash or Treasure.

    Please go through the sounds (see ppt below) as often as possible to keep your childs sound knowledge working hard. Keep regularly reading at home to support your childs reading progression.

    Phonics home booklets

    Phonics weekly task - w/c 13/07/20 (NEW!)

    This week please focus on the 'u-e' sound (like in cube) and the 'u-e' sound (like in flut). I have attached some worksheets below to use for support - you can either print these off or just work from a piece of paper. I have also attached some real and alien word cards to read with your children - ask your children to put their sound buttons on. Ask them to explain which words are real and which are not.

    Letters and Sounds Phonics Online Lessons - NEW (13.07.20)

    Every weekday at 10:30am letters and sounds (the phonics scheme we use in school) are uploading a new online phonics lesson on their YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw All previous videos are available on their channel to!

    This is an amazing resource to allow your child to access daily phonics lessons! Use the lessons under the Year 1 tab. Focus on the sounds for this week: u-e.


    Local study - W/C 13/07/20 (NEW!)

    Create a poster to advertise your local area. What makes it special? Who makes it special?

    Maths Task - W/C 13.07.20 (NEW!)

    Year 1 have been following the white rose scheme of work during our maths lessons. The white rose website are providing amazing, free home learning tasks every week to cover the objectives we would have been covering in school. Every week they are providing 5 new videos (one for every day of the week) that are easy to follow. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/


    I have added the activities and answers (PARENTS ONLY!!) as separate documents this week. Have a go at watching the videos and completing this week's sheets if you can. If you don't have a printer, then please just have a look at the sheets on screen and have a think about them. Use W/C 13th July and work through the lessons each day (Lesson 1- Monday, Lesson 2- Tuesday etc.) and a challenge should appear for Friday. Enjoy!

    Maths outdoor challenges

    Below I have attached some outdoor maths challenges for you to try!

    NRICH Maths Challenges

    NRICH is a resource that we use regularly in Year 1 to help promote the skill of problem solving. https://nrich.maths.org/14706 Use this web link to access some new challenges!

    Maths home learning booklet - Summer

    BBC Online Lessons

    The BBC have done an amazing job of creating a range of videos, tasks and worksheets all to support home learning in Year 1. Please take a look as they will be updating their tasks every day! https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zjpqqp3/year-1-lessons/1

    P.E. - W/C 13.07.2020 (NEW!)

    This week I would like you to enjoy excercising with cosmic yoga! This week we have a Summer theme!

    Science - W/C 13.07.20 (NEW!)

    This week I would like you to make a piece of artwork to help represent the 4 seasons!

    Science - activity booklets

    60 Second Reads

    I have attached a few 60 second reads below. This is a comprehension based activity that will support your child when making the transition into Y2. Ask your child to read one of the stories alongside you for support if needed and then work through the questions together. You don't need to print these sheets off, you can answer the questions on a piece of paper. Submit any work to: info@crestwood-p.dudley.sch.uk

    The Pendle Witches Activity Card

    How to Make Teachers Disappear Activity Card

    The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Activity Card

    Trick or Treat Activity Card

    The Planet Zog Activity Card

    A Space Adventure Activity Card

    Marvellous Moon Tours Activity Card

    Who Is Buzz Aldrin Activity Card

    Year 1 Common Exception Words

    Year 1 are expected to know how to read and write all of the words in the documents below. You could play a range of games to support your child with learning these words including: bingo, write them with chalk, quick write, can you find the word...The documents are also great tools to print off and complete at home to ensure your child can access these words. Alternatively, you can get your child to complete the task on a piece of paper.

    T L 5614 Common Exception Words Y1 Activity Book ver 1

    T L 5468 Common Exception Words Assessment Year 1 ver 3

    STEM - Science, technology, engineering and mathematics Y1

    STEM is an excellent website that gives lots of opportunities for children to get involved with: science, technology, engineering and maths! One resource that I thought would be particularly useful for Year 1 is their starters for stem activities. Starters for STEM are 10 activities that parents can use at home to help children develop their science, technology, engineering and maths skills.
    Theses activities are easy to resource and provide children with the stimulus to talk about the world around them. I have attached all of their current starters for STEM ideas below which give lots of ideas to try! Enjoy!

    Starters for STEM

    Starters for STEM 2

    Starters for STEM 3

    Starters for STEM 4 Easter edition

    Starters for STEM 5

    Times table practise - regular revision

    In Year 1 we focus on learning our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Please find a variety of resources below to support your child with learning these times tables.

    10 times table booklet

    5 times table booklet

    2 times table booklet

    Home Learning Pack 2

    Hi Year 1. Back when we closed I sent out a pack for all children in Year 1 to work through. Below I have uploaded a new pack to start working through if needed. It is a really great pack and covers lots of the Year 1 objectives. There is also a document below that gives you practical ideas of easy learning to do at home. This is just an extra resource to keep you going if needed :) Enjoy!

    Year 1 Home Learning Pack new

    Year 1 Home Learning Pack Guidance and Answers

    Year 1 Home Learning Pack Practical Ideas

    Art - w/c 13.07.20 (NEW!)

    This week in school we will be reading the story 'oh the places you'll go'. Enjoy the story through the video below and have a go at creating your own hot air balloon artwork!

    Hamilton trust English and Maths weekly packs - Please read!


    Use the link above to access the hamilton trust website. Every week they will upload a new home learning pack for both maths and English! We will be on week 3 for English and Maths this week! A really great resource to access if needed!

    Geography - 06/07/20 (NEW!)

    Design some clothing that an explorer would need when visiting the Antarctic. Why have you chosen these clothing choices?

    Hot and cold

    Miss Obertelli Weekly Read W.C. 04.05.2020

    This weeks story is called the Lion Inside. Please find lots of questions/activities for you to work through in your own time below! No pressure to complete them all, they are ideas for you to enjoy!

    English activities:

    • Think of words / phrases to describe the mouse and the lion.
    • How do you think the mouse feels at the beginning of the story and then how do you think he feels at the end of the story?
    • Why does the mouse want to be like the lion?
    • The mouse wants to be able to roar like a lion. Make a list of words that describe the sounds that different animals make.
    • Create a set of instructions to teach the mouse how to roar.
    • Write about a new adventure that the mouse and lion can have together.
    • Create some animal puppets to retell the story.

    Art activities:

    • Draw an illustration to show what the inside of the mouse’s ‘tinyful’ house looks like.
    • Create your own illustrations of a lion and a mouse.

    PSHE activities:

    • The mouse is so tiny that nobody ever notices him. How do you think this makes him feel?
    • The mouse overcomes his fears and goes to the lion for help. Can you think of a time when you have overcome your fears? How did you feel? 
    • The lion impresses all of the other animals. Think of somebody who impresses you. How could you impress someone?


    Miss Obertelli Weekly Read W/C 11.05.20

    Hi Year 1 - this weeks story is called Spinderella. Please find lots of questions/activities for you to work through in your own time below! No pressure to complete them all, they are ideas for you to enjoy!

    English activites:

    1. Draw a picture of Spinderella or The Hairy Godmother (these can be your own designs) and write a paragraph to describe the character. What are they like? What do they look like? Where do they live?

    2. Who is your favourite character and why?

    3. Create a book review using the template below

    4. Pretend you are Spinderella and send a letter to the Hairy Godmother to say thank you for the shoes!


    Maths activity:

    1. Number activity below!

    2. How did Spinderalla use her maths knowledge to help her?

    3. Number bonds to 20 worksheet below - match the spider to the web.


    Art activity:

    1. Create a spider pom pom using the instruction document below.

    2. Spinderella colouring sheet

    3. Paper plate spider web - see instruction document below.


    Science activity:

    1. Life cycle of a spider activity sheet below

    2. Minibeast hunt - see document below.

    T T 4157 Number Bonds to 20 on Spiders and Webs ver 1

    Minibeast hunt checklist ver 2

    Spinderella make a spider pom pom

    Spinderella colouring sheet

    T T 18821 Paper Plate Spider Web With Handprint Spider Craft Instructions ver 1

    Spinderella number activity

    T t 5253 life cycle of a spider worksheet ver 2

    T L 1069 Book Review Writing Frame

    Miss Obertelli Weekly Read (W/C 18.05.20) NEW!

    Hi Year 1, this weeks story is 'The Scarecrows Wedding'. Here are some activities all related to this story:


    • Write your own story about the adventures of a scarecrow.
    • Make a list of questions that you could ask the characters in the story. How might they reply?
    • Make a list of words / phrases to describe each character in the story. 


    - Harry thinks that he needs 'a jug or a vase or a cup or a tin' to carry the water. Can you think of any other items that can be used to carry water? Estimate or measure how much liquid each can hold.



    • Why do farmers put scarecrows in their fields? Find out other ways that farmers help their crops to grow.
    • Make a list of all of the animals that you can see in the illustrations. Could you make a food chain using some of them?
    • Find out about fire safety. Could you make a poster, advert or website to teach others how to stay safe?


    • Design some wedding clothes for a scarecrow.
    • Make your own model (or life-size) scarecrows. 


    - Make a list of the ways that the animals helped Betty and Harry. Make a list of ways that you can help others each day.

    Miss Obertelli Weekly Read (W/C 08/06/20) - NEW!

    Here are some activities to support the story 'Charlie Cook's Favourite Book'. Enjoy!


    • What is your favourite book? 
    • Choose one of the book titles featured in the book. Could you write the story that might appear in this book?
    • Which one of the books in this story is your favourite? Can you explain why?


    • Take some digital photos of your family reading their favourite books in some weird and wonderful places!
    • Make a web page that helps families to learn about your favourite children’s stories.
    • Use publishing software to create your own story about a person who reads a book about a person who finds a book about...


    • Design a cover for each of the books featured in the story.


    • Look on a map to find the location of libraries in your local area. Could you plan a trip to one (when they open!) to choose some new favourite books?


    • Carry out a survey of family and friends to find out their favourite books from the past. What favourite stories did your parents / grandparents read? Why did they like them? How have stories / books changed over time?

    Reading Challenge! Ongoing...

    Hi everyone, I hope you are looking forward to taking part in our reading challenge! You have 10 challenges to complete in your own time. When you have completed all of the challenges send a quick message  to my email address: gobertelli@crestwood-p.dudley.sch.uk

    If you can - please send pictures of you completing the challenge so that I can share your wonderful efforts with the class! Anyone who completes all 10 challenges will be awarded a reading certificate when we return to school! Enjoy!

    10 challenges:

    1. Read in your pyjamas

    2. Read under the covers

    3. Read a book to someone else

    4. Read a book outside

    5. Whisper read

    6. Read a book that someone chooses for you

    7. Read to someone over the phone

    8. Read a page in a silly voice

    9. Read to a cuddly toy

    10. Listen to someone read

    Well done to Sam...our first child to complete their reading challenge!

    Celebrating work from home!

    I have loved getting all of your work/pictures sent in - they always make me smile! Send any work or creations that you are proud of and send them to the schools email address (info@crestwood-p.dudley.sch.uk) and they will be posted here! 

    Amber and her family enjoying VE day!

    Kyle made a rainbow out of cars! What a creation!

    Lily has been doing some baking at home and was a golden certificate winner! Well done Lily!

    Lillie and Harry made a rainbow out of crisps! Looks delicious! They also made some new characters for The Gruffalo!

    Thomas has been out on a nature walk and made a dandelion clock! He has also been making aliens and dream catchers!

    Faye has been enjoying a range of activities!

    A School Life Website
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    School Life app download
    Wellbeing Award for Schools
    Silver School Games Award