Welcome to

Crestwood Park Primary School

Be the best you can be

Hello and welcome to all our Year 1 children and parents! I am Miss Clarke and I am the Year 1 class teacher. We also have Mrs Cohen and Mrs Akthar supporting in our classroom everyday. Mrs Barratt will cover my PPA and teach the children on a Tuesday morning and Mr Barnett will teach them PE on a Tuesday afternoon. Mr Barnett also leads our forest school sessions fortnightly on a Monday. We are always excited to have the children in school experiencing our curriculum, whilst taking them on exciting adventures! If there are every any question or queries, please do not hesitate to come and speak to one of us. 

Please help us in school by remembering the following:

  • Tuesday and Thursday (P.E. days) - Your child should have their full P.E. kit with them in school - this include: top, shorts and PE pumps. Please ensure that long hair is tied back and all jewellery is removed. 
  • Wednesday - Your child will receive homework on a Wednesday to be completed and returned by the following Monday. Also their library book needs to be returned ready to be swapped!
  • Friday- Your child will get their reading books changed on this day. We will also check how often your child has been reading each week. If they read 5 or more times during the week they will attend our reading party!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch! 

Miss Clarke, Mrs Cohen and Mrs Akthar

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