Welcome to Reception! I am Mrs Round and I am the Reception class teacher. Our teaching assistants are Mrs Hale, Miss Pugh, Miss Marsh and Mrs Davies. Mr Barnett will cover times when I am not in class.
We are so pleased to be working with you and your child this year, we hope to make lots of special memories together. If you need anything or want to ask any questions, please do not hesitate. We are here to help. If you need to get in touch, please email school on info@crestwood-p.dudley.sch.uk or give us a call.
Here is some key information:
-Please make sure all uniform, clothing and P.E. kits are clearly labelled. This will help us to get forgotten uniform back to the right people.
-P.E. day in reception is Friday. Please make sure children have a name-labelled kit in school and that all long hair is tied back. Any jewellery should also be removed.
-Please send children to school with a named water bottle.
-Reading books will be changed each week. Children will bring home a book which will enable them to practice the sounds they have learnt in phonics the previous week. We expect children to read this book with your support and encouragement as much as possible, ideally every day. They should re-read the book to develop their flow and fluency.
- Homework is set on Wednesdays and handed in on Mondays after the first half term.
-Reception will have snack every day. This will be fruit and milk provided by school. If children wish to bring their own fruit from home for this, that is fine.
-On Fridays, toast or a milkshake can be ordered via the app. If children don't book, they will be offered snack as usual.