Welcome to Year 4
Our first week in year 4 has come to an end and what a wonderful first week it has been. I am looking forward to the year ahead and I hope you are too :)
Below is some information that might come in handy.
For the grown ups…
If you need anything or want to ask any questions, please do not hesitate to ask Myself (Miss Pryke), Mrs Barrett, Miss Thomas or Miss Logan, as we are always happy to help :)
If you need to get in touch, please use my email address jpryke@crestwood-p.dudley.sch.uk or give us a call.
Key Information:
-Please make sure all uniform, clothing and P.E. kits are clearly labelled. This will help us to get forgotten uniform back to the right people.
-P.E. day in Year 4 is Tuesday and Wednesday. Please make sure children have a name-labelled kit in school and that all long hair is tied back. Any jewellery should also be removed.
-Please send children to school with a named water bottle.
-Reading books will come home daily. In line with our home school agreement, it is expected that you read with your child daily.
-Each day toast and/or a milkshake can be purchased on the app for break time.
-Homework is set on a Wednesday and will be due in the following Monday. I will update the homework tab for year 4 weekly if you are ever unsure what your child’s homework is.