All our children wear school uniform. Governors, parents and staff agree this helps to set high standards in school and gives our children a sense of pride and belonging. The Education (Guidance about Costs of School Uniforms) Act 2021, placed a statutory duty on schools to ensure uniform is affordable for all. At Crestwood Park, we do have branded items available at our local supplier but we do not require uniform items to be branded. We also provide our families with the opportunity to acquire second-hand uniform. Please contact the school office and we can advise you on the items we currently have available.
Where to buy your uniform...
Totally Uniform, our local supplier, do also supply items such as fleece jackets, book and pump bags- these are optional items.
As branded items are not compulsory, it is also acceptable to purchase uniform items from supermarkets/stores such as: Asda, Tesco, Sainsburys, Next or Matalan.
Labelling your uniform!
Importance of labelling...
Please label all of your children's uniform. Every term we see an increased amount of 'lost property' accumulating. If your child misplaces a piece of clothing it makes it so much easier for us to reunite them if their name is on it. You can order labels or hand write (remember this can wash off over time).
As you can imagine there are a lot of white t-shirts and grey trousers that look the same!
If you would like to purchase named labels from Stikins, we receive a small amount of money back for our school fund. For this to happen you will need to quote our school reference number: 5271 when ordering. Please use the link below. You are welcome to use other companies should you wish to.