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Crestwood Park Primary School

Be the best you can be

Thursday 28th January 2021



Daily Maths task!

Morning Year 5, todays maths is interpreting Maths. 

There is a link to a video for you to watch before you complete the worksheey.

Choose your own challenge - BRONZE, SILVER, GOLD




Just a reminder of the different pages (don't feel you have to do it all - remember to pick the level that is suitable for you!)


The Application and Reasoning worksheet is to apply what you have learnt.

D is for Developing - give this sheet a try if you're not sure on the subject.

E is for Expected - give this sheet a try if you feel confident with the subject.

GD is for Greater Depth - give this sheet ago if you want to challenge yourself.

Creating Concise Noun Phrases



Continue to use these Spelling Lists to practise your spellings

Challenge yourself to practise 10 a day.  Today I would like you to do a spelling doodle like we have done in class.

Choose 10 spellings, draw your scribble then write your spellings correctly into the spaces. I can't wait to see them!

Below is an example. 



Book Talk

Here We Are- Oliver Jeffers

You have 2 more days left, I wonder how many activities you have completed so far. 



Curriculum - Science


We are continuing with our current Science topic that we started before Christmas- we have a few lessons still to cover before we move onto our new topic.

Today you are going to explore the effets of water resistance. We explored the effects of air resistance when we carried out our parachute experiment. 

At home I would like you to watch the video and work through the powerpoint. 

Your activity is to carry out an experiment on water resistance and design a boat. How will you make your boat streamline? You can use recycling, plastic or junk modeling objects you have at home to make your boat.

Once you have made it you could fill the bath or the kitchen sink and blow your boat and see how fast it travels.

If you don't want to make your boat you can just draw your design on the worksheet. Your grown ups can email me over any pictures of your experiment, I would love to see them. 

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