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Crestwood Park Primary School

Be the best you can be

Our Science Curriculum Vision

Science is an ever changing study of the nature and behaviour of natural things and the knowledge that we obtain about them. Here at Crestwood Park, we talk to our children about the importance of Science and aim to inspire them to explore the possibilities of developing a ‘scientific’ career for themselves. Even if our children do not pursue careers in Science, they will grow up in a world that requires scientific literacy and critical thinking skills and so we endeavour to provide them with the very best experiences and memories. After all, Science is all around us and helps us to make sense of the world!

At Crestwood Park our children are very inquisitive and love to ask questions; our vision is to enable the children within our care to follow their curiosities and encourage them to confidently question, explore and discover the world around them, so that they can continue to develop a deeper understanding of the world in which we live in. We aim to inspire and nurture a love of scientific learning and thirst for knowledge through engaging and enjoyable practical sessions which challenge the children’s understanding of the world. 

During science lessons, activities are scaffolded so that they are accessible for all children.  Scaffolding activities can include visual prompts, practical activities and discussions. Extra support can also be given by adults within the classroom when necessary.  The gems can often be achieved by taking a practical approach to ensure all children are able to achieve the same learning goals.  

Our children are proud of their achievements and we share and celebrate their progress together through our assessment in order to set further goals and motivate them to continue to be the best that they can be. Through our school values and ethos, which underpins everything we do at Crestwood Park, we aim to develop enthusiastic and confident scientists who are ready to make a difference in the world that they are growing up within.

This overview shows how we teach our science curriculum over the year groups. It also shows how our curriculum teaches children progressive and increasingly challenging knowledge, skills and concepts.

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