At Crestwood Park, children learn about two main religions; Christianity and Islam. All children will also be exposed to and learn about a range of religions including: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism. Our assemblies address each of these throughout the year and we have active links with our local churches and places of worship.
Religious Education at Crestwood Park enables the children to learn about the leaders, festivals, rituals, buildings and symbols associated with each religion. We particularly value the sharing of stories and encourage the re-telling of important stories from the Bible and other faiths.
Children also learn from religion. The stories and beliefs of these faiths help our children to understand and form ideas and values of their own. We want our children to respect our culturally diverse country and, in line with the British Values, display a tolerance towards the religious beliefs of others.
At Crestwood Park, we want RE to be accessible for all children, including those with SEND. Gems can be adapted and explored differently so that each child is able to access the curriculum. This could be achieved by scaffolding activities, using resources such as visual prompts which can be created on inprint and support from the teacher and TA’s in the room when possible. All children will be given the opportunity to participate in group discussions and will experience the same learning experiences and high expectations.
Our vision is that, in teaching our children about each faith, they will develop a deeper understanding of societies both locally and world-wide.
Below is our RE curriculum map which shows our children's Re journey from Reception up until year 6.