Welcome to

Crestwood Park Primary School

Be the best you can be

Crestwood Park

Parent Voice

Your voice matters to us and you can make a difference!

At Crestwood Park we really are here to listen to our families’ views. We welcome your feedback and encourage you to voice suggestions to us. 

Below are some examples of how we have taken on board comments and suggestions raised.

*More children should be able to earn a SPARKS badge. *Rather than teacher nomination, we now operate a points system allowing all children the opportunity to earn a badge.
*School discos were incredibly popular. *We always include a disco on our yearly calendar.
*You would like Sports Day to be hosted at school, rather than the Dell. *We held both KS1 and KS2 sports days at school.
*You would like to receive information about the subject content in each year group. *We developed 'journey plans' for all our subjects detailing your child's learning throughout school. Every year group has an overview and information about their class on our website. We host parent information sessions, such as Welcome meetings, phonics and reading workshops.
*You would like the maths homework to link to what your child has been learning and sections to help parents support. *We purchased new Maths homework books for our children to use that match directly to the White Rose Maths scheme.
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