Welcome to

Crestwood Park Primary School

Be the best you can be

Welcome to our Newsletter!

It's been strange to end the week without an assembly, but instead we have been busy preparing for Breakfast with Santa (more details below). We have had a busy week with Festive Fun in Key Stage Two, a visit to Wordsley Church and Holcroft Nursing Home (more info below), Forest School sessions, an Athletics festival at Ellowes High School and Mrs Kennedy's Parent Voice meeting this morning.

We are really looking forward to getting in to the festive spirit and giving our children a super end to the Autumn Term. There are lots of events planned for the last two weeks- please use the calendar (click here) to make sure you know what's going on and when!


Happy Birthday to you..

We would like to say a very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to... Elliot, Annalise and Ashleigh who have celebrated their birthday this week, or will be celebrating over the weekend.



Amazing Attendance

Reception Aaron, Alexander, Jak, William, Jack, Adah, Evelyn, Alexander, Bailey, Jacob, Ezmae, Archie, Ella, Tyler, Jackson, Rudy, Sophie, Elsie, Harry, Layna, Beatrice, Paisley, Kayden, Riley

Year 1 Brianna, Theo, Zachary, Archie, Billie, Arthur, Joey, Conor, Thomas, Oliver, Lainey, Darcie, William, Mia-Louise, Jaylen, Lewis, Harmonee, Jessica, Violet-Rose

Year Two Betsy, Eve, Lotty, Grace, Zach, Ava, Mason, Fearne, Nathan, Rosie, Mihail, Delilah, Nahla, Ashley, Joshua, Hassan, Evan, Chloe, Millie, Frankie

Year Three Isacc, Jayden, Lucas, Xavier, Oceanna, Angel-Leigh, Jenson, Harper-Rose, Declan, Jake, Benjamin, Alesia, Isla, Rosie, Katya, Haidar-Ali, Ashleigh, Jasmine, Leila-Rae, Lilly Mai, Caelan, Amber

Year Four Lily, Molly, Esmè, Rhys, Daisy, Kaiden, Harry, Lillie, Harrison, Ty, George, Amber, Harvey, Daniel, Kyle, Nicholas, Rosie, Danielle, Faye, Teddy, Jack-James, Logan, Amelia, Isabella, Thomas, Eden, Samuel, Darius, Ameliya, Leah

Year Five Harry, Savannah, Sienna, Tiana, Rosie, Oliver, Max, Dannii, Jakob, Mabel, Ian, Reece, Taylor, Jack, Ava, Alina, Sara, Jamie, Alana, Elliot, Rhylee, Shannon, Lola, Callum, Ethan, Dylan

Year Six Scarlett, Daisy-Mae, Logan, Alyssia, Sophia, Autumn, Joshua, Kyron, Molly, William, Molly, Georgia, Cooper, Troy, Darntai, Dakotah, Gordon, Grace, Daisy, Dominic

Attendance Challenge!

From 28th November to the 9th December we are setting all of our children another attendance challenge!

Whichever class has the best attendance between the 28th November and 9th December will be rewarded with a NON-UNIFORM day to celebrate their amazing attendance! 

Are you up for the challenge? 

Safeguarding Our Children

We are always reminding our children that they have TRUSTED ADULTS in school and at home, who they can talk to if someone is making them feel uncomfortable or upset, or if they are worried about something that is happening to a friend. In school we make a promise to our children that we will-

...help them feel safe

...respect their views

...help them to feel comfortable about talking to us

...respect their views

...be open, honest and trustworthy

...listen to them

...believe them. 

We remind children of these messages through assemblies, PSHE lessons, pastoral support and via posters...see if your children can tell you where they might see these posters!

Breakfast with Santa - Next Week

We are really excited that Santa will be joining us for breakfast again this year!

We still have availability for Tuesday and Thursday next week  (you can book multiple slots if you wish).

Please make sure that children are brought to the main entrance for 8am on the day(s) you have booked.

Children will come to eat a festive breakfast with their friends, meet Santa and receive an early Christmas present. Parents also receive a photograph as a reminder of the morning. 

We have a few places remaining for Tuesday and Thursday (Monday and Wednesday are full).

  • To access the booking go to the ‘Clubs’ tab on your T2P app. This event is £7.00 per day (no increase from last year)
  • Children should be brought to the main entrance at 8am on the day of their BWS booking
  • Sorry, but no refunds for non-attendance
  • We will aim to have photo's printed and sent home by the end of next week.

If you would like your child/ren to attend but are struggling to pay, please contact the school office so we can work together to find a solution. 

A message from the Pastoral Team...

We wanted to share how proud we are of our beautiful children, their behaviour and kindness was truly heart warming when we visited Wordsley Church for the tree festival and sang at Hillcroft Nursing home. 

Hillcroft has invited us back as they felt it had such a positive impact on their residents. 

A huge thank you to all of the families for supporting us by sending in your amazing creations for our tree.  We hope you have a wonderful weekend, look after each other xxx

Celebrating our Children's work

Every week we would like to celebrate a piece of work which has been created by our children. If you child produces work at home that you would like to share, please send it in to us at info@crestwood-p.dudley.sch.uk 

Year 2 have been working really hard on their instruction writing.
Rose has written a fantastic set of instructions including time connectives and bossy, imperative verbs. Excellent work- well done Rose.

KS1 Performances - Wednesday 7th & Thursday 8th

We hope that everyone managed to book any extra performance tickets that they needed this week.


Wednesday 7th December @ 2.00pm

Thursday 8th December @ 9.30am 

We will let parents in through the main entrance for both shows.

**Please be reminded that we politely ask that children who are pre-school age (under 4) do not attend this event. This is due to the distractions it can cause to our children when performing. Thank you for your understanding.**

We have tried to consider costs and have decided not to charge for the KS1 performance this year.

However, there will be the opportunity for you to donate to our school fund following the performance, if you would like to. All donations are greatly received... and they really do make a difference to our children.


Christmas Jumper & Reindeer Run Day - 9th December

It is Christmas Jumper and Reindeer Run day on December 9th!

Children can wear own clothes with their Christmas Jumper and trainers to run in.

A donation (suggested- £1) can be brought in, as proceeds will be split equally between Save the Children and Mary Steven's Hospice.

During the day, children will also get a visit from Santa (Rotary club).

So, all in all, it will be a very Festive Friday!

The King Charles III Commemorative Medal

We are giving parents the opportunity to order a commemorative coin for their child, to mark the King's Coronation in May next year.

The coins are £3.60 each and are available to purchase on Teacher2Parents from Monday 12th December.

Orders and payment for these will need to be made by 10th January 2023. 

(If you would like to see the medal before purchasing, we have a sample coin in the office.)

An additional bank holiday in honour of the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III will take place on Monday 8 May 2023 - The school will be closed on this day.


An additional bank holiday in honour of the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III will take place on Monday 8 May 2023. As this date had previously been announced as the first day of the 2023 key stage 2 (KS2) test week in England, a change to the KS2 test schedule next year will be necessary.

Ministers have considered the situation carefully and have decided that KS2 tests will take place in the same week with tests following the usual order but each taking place one day later than originally planned. As such, the new schedule will be:

  • Tuesday 9 May: English grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) papers 1 (questions) and 2 (spelling)
  • Wednesday 10 May: English reading paper
  • Thursday 11 May: mathematics papers 1 (arithmetic) and 2 (reasoning)
  • Friday 12 May: mathematics paper 3 (reasoning)

A quick look at Forest School in action... this time it's Year 6!

Choir visit to Himley Mill Care Home

In preparation for our Choir Visit to Himley Mill Care Home on Dec 14th, we are asking children to draw a Christmas scene that we can turn into Christmas cards, to give to the residents when we visit. Pictures can be any size- we will photocopy them on to card and then ask children in school to write messages inside. You can pass pictures on to Miss Johnson or Mrs Cooper (thank you to the children who have already drawn their Christmas-y pictures!

And finally...

We are aware of the financial pressures that affect families, particularly at this time of year. If money worries are preventing your children from taking part in school events, please talk to one of us- we would be very happy to talk to you and find ways we can help.

Have a good weekend folks- keep wrapped up if you're out and about, and take care. 

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is the responsibility of everyone in our school and at all times we consider what is in our children's best interests. We work to ensure our children our safe and cared for and by doing this we are protecting their health and development and preventing them from harm.  If we are worried, we will raise concerns, share information and take prompt action with the aim of ensuring families receive the right help at the right time.

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