Welcome to

Crestwood Park Primary School

Be the best you can be

Welcome to our Newsletter

This week has certainly been all about GIVING and I cannot thank families enough for their generosity in supporting us in so many ways. When we have asked for contributions to school craft resources, you have obliged. When we have asked you to support World Diabetes Day, you have responded and when we have asked for crazy hair and even more donations for Children in Need, you have risen to the occasion. I cannot thank you enough- all of this helps not only our children but children across the country too. Our way to wellbeing for this half term is giving and we have made such a fantastic start. There are other opportunities for you to give as the term progresses- we always support Mary Stevens Hospice with a Reindeer/Santa Run and the Children's Society by wearing our Christmas Jumpers and we have a Food Bank Friday booked in too. As always, give what you can. We just feel very strongly at Crestwood Park that the act of giving is so important and we want to instill this quality in our children. It can also be so much fun to give- as the photos of our children celebrating Children in Need below show!

Happy Birthday to you...


We would like to say a very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to...Alana, Mya and Eve who have celebrated his birthday this week or will be celebrating over the weekend.





Amazing Attendance

Reception Jamie, Alfie A-H, William, Daisy, Romeo, Joey, Leo, Mikel, Eshaal, Maya, Boris, Alfie H, Lennox, Eden-Rae, Mia, Ivie, Charlie, Theodor, Archie, Kaloyan, Eleanor, Jack, Ivar-Jack, Nancy-Mae, Ive-Leigh, Lotte, Oakley, Saharsh, Sohansh

Year One Aaron, Alexander, Jak, William, Stanley, Jack, Adah, Evelyn, Alexander, Bailey, Ezmae, Archie, Ella, Tyler, Jackson, Sophie, Elsie, Henry, Harry, Layna, Paisley, Kayden, Riley, Alisha

Year Two Brianna, Theo, Harlen, Zachary, Emma, Eva, Archie, Billie, Arthur, Melissa, Joey, Conor, Riley, Amelia, Thomas, Oliver, Lainey, Cody, Darcie, William, Mia-Louise, Kara, Jaylen, Lewis, Harmonee, Jessica, Kayden, Violet-Rose, Sienna-Rose

Year Three Betsy, Mason, Eve, Lotty, Grace, Zach, Ava, Mason, Isabella, Fearne, Nathan, Heidi, Mihail, Tanatswa, Delilah, Tanatswa, Nahla, Ashley, Joshua, Rose, Hassan, Cailen, Evan, Chloe, Mya, Emilie, Benjamin, Millie, Joshua, Frankie

Year Four Isacc, Dollie-Lou, Jayden, Lucas, Xavier, Oceanna, Jenson, Elsie, Isabella, Harper-Rose, Declan, Jake, Faith, Baani, Alesia, Isla, Rosie, Evie – May, Haidar-Ali, Ashleigh, Jasmine, Leila-Rae, Lilly Mai, Evelyn-Mae, Caelan, Nathaniel, Amber, Renesmai

Year Five Lily, Molly, Esmè, Rhys, Daisy, Kaiden, Harry, Lillie, Harrison, Ty, George, Annalise, Amber, Harvey, Daniel, Kyle, Nicholas, Rosie, Danielle, Faye, Jack-James, Logan, Amelia, Isabella, Eden, Samuel, Darius, Ameliya, Leah

Year Six Harry, Savannah, Sienna, Joseph, James, Nate, Tiana, Rosie, Oliver, Max, Dannii, Jakob, Mabel, Ian, Reece, Taylor, Ava, Alina, Sara, Jamie, Alana, Elliot, Rhylee, Shannon, Lola, Callum, Sofiana, Ethan, Dylan

Upcoming events this term!

Don't forget that you can check our school calendar for key dates and events.


Follow the link below...

Looking After Our Wellbeing

We hope you are all well.  Time is going so quickly and before we know it Christmas will be upon us.  Thank you to everyone who has donated jars, this will enable our children to make magical autumn/Christmas snow globes and tea light holders, we are really grateful.
This week we are continuing with our Wellbeing focus on 'giving' and as a school we are delighted to have been able to participate in helping to raise funds for a truly worthy course.
So this week we would like to share some of the Children in need activities for you to do at home.

Upcoming HSA Events!

Christmas Movie Night!

This year your HSA team will be holding a Christmas Movie Night FREE of charge for all children! 


KS1 Christmas Movie Night - Wednesday 29th November 

KS2 Christmas Movie Night - Thursday 30th November 


All we ask is that your child bring a donation for our Christmas Hamper!

This could be a Christmas decoration, Candles, Wine, Chocolate, Christmas Pudding, Mince Pies, Bath Soak, Fragrances, Bath Soak!

What would you like to win in the Christmas Hamper this year? 


Children will stay after school until 5:15pm to watch a Christmas Film and each child will be provided with a drink and some popcorn.


The event is free, however you will need to register your interest in attending - more information to follow next week. 




Crestwood Park Christmas Market - Friday 8th December

If you enjoyed our Summer Fayre then you will not want to miss out on our Christmas Fete taking place after school on Friday 8th December.

There will be a £2.00 entry fee, which will be used to fund the schools hopes in purchasing iPads for every class! 

We have Indoor and Outside stalls, Hot drinks, Mince pies, Hamper's to win, Build-A-Burger, Beer Tent, Hot Waffles and Face Painting and much much more!

Let's not forget...SANTA is coming to visit.

Come along to our very festive Christmas Grotto to meet Santa and his Elves and receive a gift for £5 per child. 




Anti-Bullying Week 2023

The theme of this years anti- bullying week was 'Make A Noise About Bullying'. We started the week with an assembly emphasising the importance of speaking up about bullying and the children have also completed a range of activities in class. 

Nasal Flu Vaccinations - Monday 27th

It is really important that they receive a consent form back for every child, even if you do NOT wish for your child to receive the immunisation, there is an option to decline. Failure to complete a consent form, may result in our call centre making contact with you to obtain it verbally. Please complete the below link to state whether you wish to consent or decline.  


Vaccination UK Immunisation (schoolvaccination.uk) 


Please refer to the Newsletter dated 25/09/2023 for more information. 

Celebrating our children's work

Year 6 have been researching the artist Karl Blossfeldt, Savannah has researched and created a great fact file about this artist, she has included so many fantastic facts independently.

Well Done Savannah, this really is a brilliant piece of work.

Children In Need 2023

Thank you to everyone who joined in with our 'Crazy Hair Day' for Children In Need 2023! 

From the class collections alone we have raised just under £145.00! However we still need to count all of the pennies from the 'Fill Pudsey with Pennies' activity!

We have some very creative parents when it comes to funky hairstyles! 

The entries for the Craft Competition were also amazing. Our overall winner was Mabel in year 6 for her incredible lego creation. Runners up were: Savannah (Y6), Conor (Y2) and Maya (Rec).

Check out the photos below to view their creations and some of the fun that was had throughout the day!

HOUSE CHALLENGE - donations required...

As part of their House Challenge on Monday 4th December, the children will be creating decorations to decorate a Christmas Tree.
If you have any of the items listed below that you could donate to school, we would really appreciate it.
Please hand donations in to school by Friday 1st December.
We need:
  • brightly coloured wool
  • thick cardboard
  • lolly pop sticks
  • assorted buttons
  • pine cones
  • toilet roll tubes
  • mini pom poms
  • glitter


Thank you to everyone who has sent things in so far - we have been amazed by the response and your generosity.

Please keep your donations coming!

After School Clubs

  • Monday - Yoga with Emilie
  • Tuesday - KS2 Gymnastics
  • Thursday - Running Club & KS1 Gymnastics
  • There are places still available for all of our after school clubs. To secure your child place and confirm their attendance pay using your T2P app.
  • Running club is a monetary donation only and not an online payment.

Take a look at the website below for some great ideas to do with reading.

Times Table Rockstars - Competition Update

England Rocks
Well done to our year 4 class who finished in the top 500 classes in the country on the Times Table Rocks Star competition. Over 30,000 classes entered so that is very impressive from year 4!
The house competition is back. The winning team will be getting extra playtime at next half term so get practising.
Polar Bears 7 615 (correct answers)
     Pandas     6 721
         Tigers              3 971
             Rhinos            2 344

Can you help with our Amazon Wish List?

We have been overwhelmed with the response to our 'Amazon Wish List'.

Thank you to every parent who has contributed - your generosity has supported the children's Christmas crafts that they will be making in class. 




An additional thank you to the Stringer family for your kind donation of a £75 gift voucher! 

At Crestwood Park we do not ask for parental contributions towards our school fund. Many schools do. However, if you would like to help us out and contribute towards some much needed resources for school, we have now created an Amazon wish list which details some of the resources we require and need! Our budgets are tight too, so if you would like to purchase any of the items from the list on our behalf and hand them into school, we would really appreciate it. This is not obligatory, just a polite request.


Once again we end this week with lots to be proud of. Last week was all about remembering and showing respect and this week has been all about kindness and giving.

The children have been singing a kindness song all week that I seem to have been humming for days! The song reminds us that kindness is free and can be given out to everybody.

So go spread some kindness this weekend all .. it won't cost you a penny!




Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is the responsibility of everyone in our school and at all times we consider what is in our children's best interests. We work to ensure our children are safe and cared for and by doing this we are protecting their health and development and preventing them from harm.  If we are worried, we will raise concerns, share information and take prompt action with the aim of ensuring families receive the right help at the right time.

A School Life Website
School Life app download
School Life app download
Wellbeing Award for Schools
Silver School Games Award