Welcome to

Crestwood Park Primary School

Be the best you can be

Welcome to our Newsletter

The first week back after half term has flown and everybody seems to be well and truly back in the swing of things! The Christmas word has already been mentioned and this newsletter gives you the heads up about some of the exciting 'Chritsmassy' events we have planned for the term. There will be news of even more events in the weeks to come! Today though was very much about remembering the soldiers who fought for our country in the First World War and I was very proud of how all the children conducted themselves in our Remembrance Day assembly this morning. At a time when we still have wars taking place in our world, it was heartening to see our children speaking and singing in a way that exemplified one of our SPARKS- that of being Respectful.

Happy Birthday to you...


We would like to say a very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to...Leo, Eleanor, Lilly Mai, Joshua and  Jasmine who have celebrated his birthday this week or will be celebrating over the weekend.





Amazing Attendance

Reception Alfie A-H, William, Daisy, Romeo, Joey, Mikel,  Maya, Boris, Lennox, Eden-Rae,Ivie, Charlie, Theodor, Archie, Kaloyan, Eleanor, Jack, Ivar-Jack, Nancy-Mae, Ive-Leigh, Lotte, Oakley, Saharsh, Sohansh

Year One Ella, Aaron, Alexander, Jak, William, Stanley, Jack, Adah, Evelyn, Alexander, Bailey, Jacob, Travis, Ezmae, Ella, Tyler, Jackson, Rudy, Sophie, Roman, Henry, Harry, Layna, Beatrice, Paisley, Kayden, Riley

Year Two Brianna, Theo, Harlen, Zachary, Emma, Eva, Archie, Arthur, Melissa, Joey, Conor, Riley, Amelia, Thomas, Oliver, Lainey, Cody, Darcie, William, Mia-Louise, Kara, Jaylen, Lewis, Harmonee, Jessica, Kayden, Violet-Rose, Sienna-Rose

Year Three Betsy, Eve, Grace, Zach, Ava, Mason, Isabella, Fearne, Nathan, Rosie, Heidi, Mihail, Tanatswa, Delilah, Tanatswa, Nahla, Ashley, Joshua, Rose, Hassan, Cailen, Evan, Chloe, Mya, Benjamin, Millie, Joshua, Frankie

Year Four Isacc, Dollie-Lou, Lucas, Xavier, Oceanna, Angel-Leigh, Jenson, Elsie, Isabella, Harper-Rose, Declan, Jake, Benjamin, Faith, Baani, Alesia, Rosie, Evie – May, Haidar-Ali, Ashleigh, Jasmine, Leila-Rae, Evelyn-Mae, Caelan, Nathaniel, Amber

Year Five Lily, Molly, Esmè, Rhys, Harry, Lillie, Harrison, Ty, George, Annalise, Amber, Harvey, Daniel, Nicholas, Rosie, Danielle, Faye, Jack-James, Logan, Amelia, Isabella, Thomas, Eden, Samuel, Darius, Ameliya, Leah

Year Six Harry, Savannah, Sienna, Joseph, James, Nate, Brogan, Tiana, Rosie, Oliver, Max, Dannii, Mabel, Ian, Reece, Jack, Ava, Alina, Jamie, Alana, Elliot, Rhylee, Jacob, Callum, Sofiana, Ethan, Dylan

Upcoming events this term!

Don't forget that you can check our school calendar for key dates and events.


Follow the link below...

Can you help with our Amazon Wish List?

At Crestwood Park we do not ask for parental contributions towards our school fund. Many schools do. However, if you would like to help us out and contribute towards some much needed resources for school, we have now created an Amazon wish list which details some of the resources we require and need! Our budgets are tight too, so if you would like to purchase any of the items from the list on our behalf and hand them into school, we would really appreciate it. This is not obligatory, just a polite request.

Looking After Our Wellbeing

Welcome back to the second half of the autumn term, it has been so lovely to hear what everyone has been getting up to. 
We are continuing to look at ways to improve our mental health and wellbeing. This week we are going to focus on Giving. Evidence show that helping others also benefits our own mental health.  It can reduce stress as well as improve our mood, self esteem and happiness. It doesn't take a lot to brighten someone's day, small acts of kindness are fun and easy to do.  Here are some examples:
  • Give a smile to someone and ask how they are?
  • Give time to play a game.
  • Give your services by helping to tidy up/wash up/clean the car.
  • Spend time having a chat and listening to someone.
Good luck, we hope you will enjoy giving to others, let Mrs Kennedy or Mrs Priest what you have been up to?  
Here is a story about giving to others which you might like to share with your children.  We hope you have a lovely weekend, lots of love The Pastoral Team xxx

Upcoming HSA Events!

Christmas Movie Night!

This year your HSA team will be holding a Christmas Movie Night FREE of charge for all children! 


KS1 Christmas Movie Night - Wednesday 29th November 

KS2 Christmas Movie Night - Thursday 30th November 


All we ask is that your child bring a donation for our Christmas Hamper!

This could be a Christmas decoration, Candles, Wine, Chocolate, Christmas Pudding, Mince Pies, Bath Soak, Fragrances, Bath Soak!

What would you like to win in the Christmas Hamper this year? 


Children will stay after school until 5:15pm to watch a Christmas Film and each child will be provided with a drink and some popcorn.


The event is free, however you will need to register your interest in attending - more information to follow next week. 




Crestwood Park Christmas Market - Friday 8th December

If you enjoyed our Summer Fayre then you will not want to miss out on our Christmas Fete taking place after school on Friday 8th December.

There will be a £2.00 entry fee, which will be used to fund the schools hopes in purchasing iPads for every class! 

We have Indoor and Outside stalls, Hot drinks, Mince pies, Hamper's to win, Build-A-Burger, Beer Tent, Hot Waffles and Face Painting and much much more!

Let's not forget...SANTA is coming to visit.

Come along to our very festive Christmas Grotto to meet Santa and his Elves and receive a gift for £5 per child. Booking will be required.  

To see Santa in his Grotto you will need to pay online using the T2P app and then book your preferred time slot on School life similar to parents evenings.

More information to follow next week! 



Anti-Bullying Week 2023

The theme of this years anti- bullying week is 'Make A Noise About Bullying'. The theme of Make A Noise About Bullying came about following consultation with teachers and pupils by the Anti-Bullying Alliance which coordinates Anti-Bullying Week every year in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Teachers and children wanted a theme that empowered them to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes.

Something blue for World Diabetes Day - Tuesday 14th November

To mark World Diabetes Day, a charity close to our heart at Crestwood Park, we are inviting the children to wear their own clothes but to include something blue on Tuesday 14th November and to donate £1. We will also have an assembly in school for the children to mark the day and give out special stickers.


Children In Need - Friday 17th November

On Friday 17th November, the school council have organised the following activities for children in need:
1. Pudsey craft competition - please make these at home and be creative! It could be a painting, colouring or craft...use your imagination!
It will be 50p to enter and there will be prizes for the best entries.


2. Make a donation to have crazy hair for the day!
3. Bring in some pennies to fill in our Pudsey bear!

Celebrating our children's work

Our lovely Reception children have been learning about Remembrance day, in particular focusing on poppies.
Eleonor and Jamie made their poppy together by cutting and sticking- isn't it amazing? Maya created her own poppy too but she used paint and cutting sticking- very impressive Maya.
Well Done all of you. 

HOUSE CHALLENGE - donations required...

As part of their House Challenge on Monday 4th December, the children will be creating decorations to decorate a Christmas Tree.
If you have any of the items listed below that you could donate to school, we would really appreciate it.
Please hand donations in to school by Friday 1st December.
We need:
  • brightly coloured wool
  • thick cardboard
  • lolly pop sticks
  • assorted buttons
  • pine cones
  • toilet roll tubes
  • mini pom poms
  • glitter


Thank you.


Now that autumn is here and winter is fast approaching please make sure your child has two inhalers in school.  One for classroom use and one as a back up emergency inhaler. Please also make sure that all medical and contact information is up to date so that we can offer the best possible care for your child.  As always thank you so much for your support.

After School Clubs

  • Monday - Yoga with Emilie
  • Tuesday - KS2 Gymnastics
  • Thursday - Running Club & KS1 Gymnastics
  • There are places still available for all of our after school clubs. To secure your child place and confirm their attendance pay using your T2P app.
  • Running club is a monetary donation only and not an online payment.

Times Table Rockstars - Competition Update

There is just one week left until half term and the end of our competition. But there is time for every house to win it if everyone gets practising. 
The scores so far:
  Polar bears: 23 838
     Tigers: 20 702
         Pandas:17 927
             Rhinos:13 886

FREE Resource for parents

There is a real and growing concern of how many young people find it ok to share inappropriate images online. It is leading to so many becoming vulnerable to potential exploitation, blackmail and harm from a young age, leaving a lasting digital footprint. If you share it, you are involved.

 This informative poster serves to reinforce online safety practices and encourages open conversations among parents, caregivers, and colleagues on this sensitive issue. 


FREE Rugby Tickets

This season Stourbridge Rugby Club are offering free entry to all Dudley children and carers at their matches. All they need to do is print and cut out the ticket which is on the attachment. You will also be able to see further information and which fixtures are available. 
Please could you share with your school so that many children can take advantage of this great opportunity. 


As I sign off this week I want to quote a famous religious leader who said:

"Love and Compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive."

Thank goodness we have both of these at Crestwood Park.

Have a peaceful weekend all. 




Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is the responsibility of everyone in our school and at all times we consider what is in our children's best interests. We work to ensure our children are safe and cared for and by doing this we are protecting their health and development and preventing them from harm.  If we are worried, we will raise concerns, share information and take prompt action with the aim of ensuring families receive the right help at the right time.

A School Life Website
School Life app download
School Life app download
Wellbeing Award for Schools
Silver School Games Award