Welcome to

Crestwood Park Primary School

Be the best you can be

Monday 4th January 2020                                   


Dear Parents and Carers,


Happy New Year to you all. I hope that despite the circumstances, you have all managed a bit of a rest and enjoyed some (socially distanced) festivities!


I know lots of you will be worrying about the return to school tomorrow and so I wanted to give you some reassurance about the steps we are continuing to take, to keep our whole community safe.


Firstly, you will be glad to know that we have an almost full set of staff to welcome the children back. (We have one teacher and one TA who are self-isolating at the moment.) Staff have been hard at work today to make sure we are well prepared for the new term and are very much looking forward to seeing the children in the morning.


We have updated our Risk Assessment today; the way that we keep children and staff safe within the building is pretty much staying the same. We have however, made a few changes to the procedure for dropping off and picking up.


To help reduce the risk of infection for all members of our school community further, we ask that

  • all parents/ carers wear masks unless exempt
  • one parent drops children off and makes their way off the playground as soon as possible and without congregating with other families. (Please do not bring secondary aged siblings on to the playground).
  • conversations with members of staff at the classroom doors are avoided – please call school and ask for a call back.
  • please ensure your child is at school by 9am at the latest (bringing children in via the front door because they are late means children have to walk through the school and possibly through other ‘bubbles’).


Our full updated Risk Assessment can be read on front page of our website or by following the link here.


As always, we urge you to call us if you have any worries at all- there is always someone here who can help and we would much rather talk things through together. Please also be reassured that we will always support and respect decisions that are made in the best interests of your children and family.


Warm regards,

Mrs Amy Cooper


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