Welcome to

Crestwood Park Primary School

Be the best you can be

Welcome to our Newsletter

It has been Science Day in school today so the children have had great fun at being super scientists! Key Stage 2 also enjoyed learning some amazing facts on their science scavenger hunt- perhaps ask your child about something they found out!

This week has also played host to our Christmas Movie Nights. They were both very successful and huge thanks go to our HSA volunteers- parents who organised the event and gave up their time to supervise the children throughout. This year's advent calendars were also donated by our HSA. 

Next week the HSA have organised an extra special event. Our Christmas market takes place on Friday from 4.30pm onwards. Please see information below as to what will be on offer.  All of the proceeds will go towards much needed resources and experiences for the children. So far our HSA have helped us purchase items such as new ipads, so we are really grateful to them. Therefore, It would be great if lots of our families could come along to support next Friday's event. 

Happy Birthday to you...


We would like to say a very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to...Elliot and Annalise who have celebrated his birthday this week or will be celebrating over the weekend.





Amazing Attendance

Reception Jamie, Alfie A-H, William, Daisy, Romeo, Joey, Leo, Mikel, Maya, Boris, Lennox, Eden-Rae, Mia, Ivie, Charlie, Theodor, Archie, Kaloyan, Eleanor, Jack, Ivar-Jack, Nancy-Mae, Lotte, Oakley, Saharsh, Sohansh

Year One Aaron, Alexander, William, Stanley, Jack, Adah, Evelyn, Alexander, Bailey, Jacob, Ezmae, Archie, Ella, Tyler, Rudy,  Roman, Elsie, Henry, Harry, Layna, Beatrice, Paisley, Kayden, Riley

Year Two Brianna, Theo, Harlen, Zachary, Emma, Eva, Archie, Billie, Melissa, Joey, Conor, Riley, Oliver, Lainey, Cody, Darcie, William, Mia-Louise, Kara, Jaylen, Lewis, Harmonee, Jessica, Kayden, Sienna-Rose

Year Three Betsy, Mason, Eve, Lotty, Grace, Zach, Ava, Mason, Isabella, Fearne, Nathan, Rosie, Heidi, Mihail, Tanatswa, Delilah, Tanatswa, Nahla, Ashley, Joshua, Rose, Hassan, Cailen, Evan, Chloe, Mya, Emilie, Benjamin, Millie, Joshua, Frankie

Year Four Isacc, Jayden, Lucas, Xavier, Oceanna, Angel-Leigh, Jenson, Elsie, Isabella, Harper-Rose, Declan, Jake, Faith,  Alesia, Isla, Rosie, Haidar-Ali, Ashleigh, Jasmine, Leila-Rae, Lilly Mai, Evelyn-Mae, Caelan, Nathaniel, Amber, Renesmai

Year Five Lily, Molly, Esmè, Rhys, Kaiden, Harry, Lillie, Ty, George, Annalise, Amber, Harvey, Daniel, Kyle, Nicholas, Rosie, Danielle, Teddy, Jack-James, Logan, Amelia, Isabella, Thomas, Eden, Samuel, Leah

Year Six Harry, Savannah, Sienna, Joseph, James, Nate, Rosie, Oliver, Max, Dannii, Jakob, Mabel, Ian, Reece, Jack, Ava, Alina, Sara, Jamie, Alana, Elliot, Rhylee, Shannon, Jacob, Lola, Callum, Sofiana, Ethan, Dylan

Upcoming events this term!

Monday 4th Dec - Festive Fun House Challenge

Friday 8th Dec - Xmas Jumper Day & Reindeer Run & Christmas Market 4.30 - 7.30

Monday 11th Dec - Breakfast with Santa sessions running Monday - Thursday

Wednesday 13th Dec - KS1 Performance at 2pm

Thursday 14th  - KS1 Performance at 9.30am 

Xmas Jumper Day & Reindeer Run - Friday 8th December

On Friday 8th December we will be inviting children to come to school wearing their Christmas jumpers. On this day children will have a very special visitor on his sleigh along with taking part in our annual Reindeer Run!

We will be supporting Save The Children and Mary Stevens Hospice on this day so we do ask that in return for children wearing their Christmas jumpers they bring a donation for charity.

Children will be in their own clothes on this day but please make sure they wear suitable footwear for the to be able to take part in our Reindeer Run!

Looking After Our Wellbeing

Our hearts have been filled with Christmas spirit and joy this week. We would like to share with you how extremely proud we are of our children.  This week we have taken part in the Christmas tree festival at Holy Trinity Church in Wordsley.  Followed by spreading a little Christmas magic at Hillcroft Nursing home. The children chatted and sang to the residents and definitely put a smiles on their faces.
A special thank you goes to Lotty, Delilah and Fearne who were mentioned by the staff at Hillcroft for engaging with the residents, being polite and helpful when giving out instruments and sharing biscuits. 
You can go along to the church this weekend to see the trees,  see if you can spot ours, what a beautiful way to start the festive month. A massive thank you to the parents who supported us by allowing their children to take part.
We hope you enjoy your weekend, look after each other and keep warm.
Lots of love The Pastoral team xxxx

Crestwood Park Christmas Market - Friday 8th December

If you enjoyed our Summer Fayre then you will not want to miss out on our Christmas Fete taking place after school on Friday 8th December.

There will be a £2.00 entry fee for adults and U16's are free! No unaccompanied guests under the age of 18. Last entry at 6:30pm!

This will be used to fund the schools hopes in purchasing more iPads! 

We have Indoor and Outside stalls, Hot drinks, Mince pies, Hamper's to win, Build-A-Burger, Beer Tent, Hot Waffles and Face Painting and much much more!

Let's not forget...SANTA is coming to visit.

Come along to our very festive Christmas Grotto to meet Santa and his Elves and receive a gift for £4 per child - You do not need to book, just turn up and pay on the day! 


As I mentioned in my welcome message, we have already received x3 new iPads which have been purchased for the school from the proceeds of the Summer Fayre and other HSA fundraising efforts.

Thanks again to all of the HSA team members for organising these events! We know how hard it is to plan and organise them and we really do appreciate all of the hard work, time and effort that is put into them.

...and a big thank you to our parents and families who continue to support the school by taking part and attending these events. They could not be as successful as they are without you!


Nasal Flu Vaccinations - Catch up Clinic!

Following our first FLU session on Monday 27th, Vaccination UK will be visiting again on Thursday 7th December (next week) to run a catch up flu clinic. If your child did not have it or you missed out on completing the form, you can do so by using the link below.
Any consents submitted for the first session still stand, therefore parents do not need to resubmit if they have consented already.
This link will expire on 3/12 at midnight. 

Celebrating our children's work

In history this week, Year 4 have been discovering the motives behind the Norsemen's invasion of Britain.

Amber has worked very hard on this and has shown her understanding in her great work.

Well Done Amber.

When Millie met Princess Anne!

In recognition  for her bravery and quick response to a family medical emergency, Millie was nominated to receive a special award by St John's Ambulance. Last week she received the award from royalty! A proud moment and we are very proud to have such an amazing young girl as part of the Crestwood Park Family. 

School Nurse Drop-in - Wednesday 6th December

Our school nurse Gina Appleby will be in school on Wednesday 6th December for a parents drop-in session. You do not need to book, and can just turn up during 1-3pm. 


Festive Reading Challenge!

Thank you to all the parents who sent photos in for our Reading Gallery - please take a look at all of these here:  https://crestwoodpark.sch.life/page/detail/reading-gallery
Our next challenge is A Festive Challenge!  Remember each photo which gets sent in - your child will receive a raffle ticket for our reading prize draw.
Let's get reading!!!

Times Table Rockstars - Competition Update

England Rocks
Well done to our year 4 class who finished in the top 500 classes in the country on the Times Table Rocks Star competition. Over 30,000 classes entered so that is very impressive from year 4!
The house competition is back. The winning team will be getting extra playtime at next half term so get practising.
Polar Bears 7 615 (correct answers)
     Pandas     6 721
         Tigers              3 971
             Rhinos            2 344

Poppy Appeal 2023

Thank you to everyone who brought a poppy this year - as a school community we have raised £203.95!



West Midlands Police have been made aware of a live Snapchat account where children in Dudley are actively encouraging other children to post graphic images and videos of themselves or their peers. Please could we ask parents and carers to pay extra attention to all social media accounts to ensure that the content viewed or shared is appropriate for their age. We are investigating this matter and will be dealing with any criminal offences identified in a positive manner.

For further support or advice, please refer to the Dudley Safe and Sound Website.

Online Safety | dudleysafeandsound

Winter Wellbeing

As I wish you a happy weekend, in a day where our children have immersed themselves in all things science, my signing off quote to you all comes from a famous scientist who said...

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."



Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is the responsibility of everyone in our school and at all times we consider what is in our children's best interests. We work to ensure our children are safe and cared for and by doing this we are protecting their health and development and preventing them from harm.  If we are worried, we will raise concerns, share information and take prompt action with the aim of ensuring families receive the right help at the right time.

A School Life Website
School Life app download
School Life app download
Wellbeing Award for Schools
Silver School Games Award