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Crestwood Park Primary School

Be the best you can be

Our Music Curriculum Vision

It is our vision at Crestwood Park that music lessons give the opportunity for all children to become real musicians through, playing, singing, creating and performing. We want our children to develop confidence, communicate as part of a team by discussing things fairly, think through collaboration and use of imagination and become creative by exploring new opportunities and believe that this can be achieved by everyone including our children with SEND.

Here at Crestwood Park we understand music is a unique way of communicating; it can inspire and motivate children. It is a vehicle for personal expression, and it can play an important role in the personal development of our children. Music in our school reflects the culture and society that we live in, and so the teaching and learning of music enables all children to learn more about the world we live in.

As well as delivering a robust, structured and progressive music curriculum, we use opportunities including whole school assemblies, music days, talent shows and productions to help children to feel like part of our school community. We also provide chances for all children to be exposed to high quality live music which engages through visits to our local theatres. We organise and collaborate in projects utilising our local music hub ‘Dudley Performing Arts’ to enable children to share their musical skills at different events both inside and outside of school. We believe this encourages our children to feel a part of the wider community. As a result of these actions we have been awarded the ‘Music Mark’.

Our aim is to ensure our children:

perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of different periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of great composers and musicians

learn to sing and use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others, have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, use technology appropriately and to have the opportunity to progress to the next level of musical excellence.

understand and explore how music is created, produced, communicated and included through the inter-related dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations

We hope that the outcomes of this will guarantee that our children leave school with an understanding and love of music which they can carry with them for the rest of their lives.

We use the scheme 'Charanga' to remove barriers in delivering a high-quality music curriculum as not all teachers have an in-depth subject knowledge. The scheme also helps organise the skills in each phase.

Charanga’s scheme for the Model Music Curriculum follows a differentiated, spiral approach supporting our children withSEND Within each unit of learning, children revisit existing knowledge and skills and then build upon and extend them incrementally. In this manner, learning is consolidated and augmented, allowing for increasing musical confidence, while constantly being gently challenged to go further.

Updated : Dec 2022

Music Development Plan 24-25

Music Day 2024

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