Welcome to

Crestwood Park Primary School

Be the best you can be

Message from Joshua Davies - Chair of Governors

Good Afternoon Parents and Families of Crestwood Park Primary School, 
Following the appointment of Mrs Kennedy as Headteacher last term, she and the board have been working to fill the vacant Deputy Headteacher position within our school. Various options were reviewed, time has been spent weighing up what we feel is best for our school's short, medium and long-term future, and we have now secured the arrangements in readiness for the 23/24 Academic Year (starting in September). 
Utilising a re-structure of the Senior Leadership Team, I am delighted to announce that Mrs Cadman (KS2 Lead and Year 6 Teacher) and Ms Bullas (KS1 Lead and Reception Teacher) will be sharing the role of Deputy Headteacher, whilst still retaining elements of their current teaching /planning roles in KS1 and KS2. In addition, Miss Johnson (SENCo), will be taking a new role of Assistant Headteacher, which will include responsibilities for SEND Provision within the school. 
During the Acting Up Process, all three members of staff were involved in performing Deputy Headteacher duties, and each carried out these duties with enthusiasm, professionalism and passion, demonstrating their capability to perform the allocated roles on a permanent basis. Mrs Kennedy (and members of the board) are all extremely grateful for the commitment and passion they share, not only for their job roles, but also CPPS and our children. 
The SLT Structure for the School will be as follows (from September 2023):
Headteacher - Mrs Kennedy
Deputy Headteacher(s) - Mrs Cadman and Ms Bullas
Assistant Headteacher - Miss Johnson
We recognise the impact this could have on the Year 6 class, and therefore we have employed a new member of our teaching team to work alongside Mrs Cadman in Year 6. Mrs Cadman and our new teacher will share the teaching/planning, and work together to ensure the best outcomes for all children and provide the necessary support for this critical year group. Following numerous applications, and an interview process, we are confident that the addition to the team will bring relevant skills, fresh perspective, and we look forward to welcoming them to our school in September. 
We are in no doubt, that the Senior Leadership Team of our school will be able to lead CPPS effectively, efficiently, and deliver not only a top-quality education, but also an environment whereby all children can thrive.
Again, I ask that all parents continue to offer their support and co-operation, raising any issues in a respectful manner, so that they can be dealt with appropriately. 
If you have any further questions/concerns, we ask that you contact the school, who can then direct you to the best person to speak to.  
Yours sincerely
Joshua Davies
Chair of Governors (on behalf of the school and the board of governors)


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