Welcome to

Crestwood Park Primary School

Be the best you can be

Home learning.

Hi everyone. I hope you're doing well. If you're feeling well enough for school today, this page will have everything you need. I have put together some big workbooks for English and maths. there should be enough in each to keep you busy through isolation!

Our afternoon lessons will be updated daily with what we are doing in class.

Maths - Our topic this half term is multiplication and division. Work your way through the workbook.

Use the answer book to check your work and to help if you are stuck.


English - Try this English work book. Each page is a different lesson and everything is based on this video:


There are 14 lessons in total to work your way through.

PSHE - Our topic in PSHE this half term is first aid. We will be learning all about how to help in emergency situations. The first lesson is on how to help someone who has a serious cut or bleed.

Click on the link below to go to the red cross website page all about bleeds. Watch the video (not real blood), read the information, and complete a comic strip (also below) on how to help someone who has a bleed.

Science - Today's science lesson is all about years. A year is the time it takes for a planet to complete one circle (orbit) around the sun.

Complete the sheet investigating the different lengths of years on different planets.

For an extension, research day lengths and find out what is so interesting about Mercury.

PE - In PE today we are doing gymnastics. These are partner poses, so if you have a brother, sister or anyone at home encourage them to join in. Or, these poses can be completed solo.

German - Today we are finishing our topic 'all about me' by creating a German passport.


Use the translation sheet to help you answer the questions in full sentences. Then draw a self portrait in the box.

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