Welcome to

Crestwood Park Primary School

Be the best you can be

Friday 29th January 2021


Daily Maths task!

Today, I would like you to have a watch of the statistic videos on BBCBitesize. The videos cover a variety of different topics. Choose a video to watch of a topic you find tircky that you would like to learn more about. 


Miss Pryke 






On a friday you will be completeing a quiz so I can assess what you have learnt this week. 

Lets see what you can remember from your SPAG activities.

Below is a link to a quiz- complete the quiz and make a record of your score so I can see what you have learnt this week.



Here are the Spelling word lists for Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and 6. 

Challenge yourself to practise 10 a day.  You can practise using Look, Cover, Write, Check and then challenge yourself to include them in a paragraph.  

I shall set a spelling task on Purple Mash on Mondays and Wednesday  - this will include words from previous years, words with certain patterns and words I feel that you need to learn. 


Book Talk

Here We Are- Oliver Jeffers

Hello Year 5, today is the final day of your book talk activities. What will you choose as your final activity? 



Your last lesson of the week this week is Music.

I would like you to watch the video below and follow along with the video taking part in the activities.

If your grownup want to take some pictures of you doing it you can email them over to me. 

A School Life Website
School Life app download
School Life app download
Wellbeing Award for Schools
Silver School Games Award