Welcome to

Crestwood Park Primary School

Be the best you can be

Friday 12th February 2021


Daily Maths task!

Hello year 5, today is your last day of word problems.







On a friday you will be completeing a quiz so I can assess what you have learnt this week. 

Lets see what you can remember from your SPAG activities.

Below is a link to a quiz- complete the quiz and make a record of your score so I can see what you have learnt this week.



Here are the Spelling word lists for Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and 6. 

Challenge yourself to practise 10 a day.  You can practise using Look, Cover, Write, Check and then challenge yourself to include them in a paragraph.  

I shall set a spelling task on Purple Mash on Mondays and Wednesday  - this will include words from previous years, words with certain patterns and words I feel that you need to learn. 



Today I would like you to complete the questions about the photo. Remember to use your imagination.



If we were in school we would be completing our RSE lessons on Friday afternoons were we learn all about keeping happy and healthy.

Today I would like us to think about how we can achieve positive mental health. 

Work through the powerpoint below and then complete the poster. 

Here is your FRIDAY QUIZ- this quiz helps to show me what you have learnt this week. 



Follow the link and complete the questions. 

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