What we think of forest school...
We asked what you thought of forest school. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Here is what you told us!
It is brilliant because of all the games.
I like it because we have learnt so many new things.
I feel really happy in forest school.
I love it because it's really fun and I love climbing trees.
I like it. It's fun and Jason is really nice.
If I could rate it, it would be five stars!
I think forest school is helpful because if we got lost in the middle of nowhere, forest school would have taught us how to survive.
I think forest school is amazing because I love being outside.
It's fun and Jason has a good sense of humour, making it fun for all.
I think it is key to child development to learn more about the outside world. It is a remarkable addition to our school curriculum and I love it!
I am thrilled that forest school is now apart of the Crestwood Park curriculum. I really believe that learning outdoors is something all children should have the opportunity to participate in. Both my children love their forest school sessions, they are the highlight of their week. The skills and experiences children will learn in these sessions are so precious, especially in a world where children are spending so much more time indoors.
My child loves forest school. I think it's a brilliant idea.
It's good to be outside and learning about different things.
My child really enjoys forest school. She talks in great detail about what she has learnt. She really enjoyed making a fire and seating area with her class and having conversations. The fresh air also does really helps to build her immune system and mental well-being.
It's educational and fun.
Forest school is fab! The children and staff all enjoy it so much. Great to learn new skills and games outside the classroom. I love it!!
It's a great opportunity for children who might find the academic side of school tricky to shine!
An excellent opportunity for children to develop skills and teamwork outside of the classroom. We have seen children shine during forest school - particularly those children who can find learning a challenge.
Challenging but beneficial for all children involved.
The children really look forward to it and it makes good use of our outdoor environment.
I think it's a great opportunity for children to get out of the classroom and learn different things in a different way.
I've seen some more timid children really flourish in these sessions.
What is Forest School?
Forest School is an inspirational concept providing learning opportunities in the outdoor environment. Children will engage in many and varied practical activities outside, in our school grounds. There are too many activities to list, but they may include bush craft, cookery, den building and art. It is our hope that by engaging in such activities regularly, children will develop their resilience, self-belief, motivation and confidence. Such skills will then be transferrable to the classroom and will support children with their learning inside too.
Who leads Forest School sessions?
Forest School sessions will be led by fully trained Forest School leader.
What do parents need to do?
Forest School will take place regardless of weather. Consequently, parents will need to provide children with appropriate clothing. Below is a comprehensive list of what children should wear and what they should bring with them.
- Children to wear top half of uniform- polo shirt/ jumper/ cardigan etc
- Children to wear either jogging bottoms or warm leggings on the bottom half
- Bring in a waterproof coat with hood.
- Bring in a pair of waterproof over trousers All clearly labelled and in a plastic bag
- Bring in Wellies
- Bring in additional warm clothing on colder days. (e.g. hat, scarf, gloves, second pair of socks, fleece)