Early Years at Crestwood Park
At Crestwood Park, we pride ourselves on being a family school that has good relationships with all members of our school community. This continues throughout school, but certainly begins when children join us in Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
We build good relationships with children, keeping them safe and secure. We provide an engaging and stimulating curriculum. We provide memorable and meaningful experiences for children so that they want to come to school. We run a well organised and deliberately planned environment with high quality resources to cater for the needs of all children. We build solid relationships with parents, keeping them involved in school life. We make sure children will be ready for their transition to Key Stage One by providing strong foundations.
Our EYFS Policy
This policy details the intent behind, the implementation and the impact of what we teach in EYFS. It also details what we do to keep our learning environment at a high standard, filled with high quality resources and interactions at all times.
Our EYFS Curriculum
Our curriculum details what we will teach children during each term in their Reception year. It also details some of the potential WOW moments that we could include. There are linked stories that we will use as part of our teaching. Our curriculum will be influenced by our current cohort, their needs, interests, experiences and heritage.
Common Play Behaviours
We use Common Play Behaviours in each area in our classroom to enable all children to be challenged. We look at the skills that children will exhibit in a particular area and level these skills as emergent, developing and exceeding. We can then encourage a child to stretch themselves into the next skill level. It also provides us with clear direction on what resources to provide to account for the skill levels within our cohort.
Early Learning Goals
At the end of the Reception year, children area assessed against the Early Learning Goals. There are 17 Early Learning Goals in total. Children will be assessed as either having 'met the standard' presented by the Early Learning Goals or 'not met the standard'. An overview of the Early Learning Goals is presented in the document below. More information can be found by following the link below.