Our Curriculum Study Units
Our curriculum study units form a key part of our curriculum. These have been planned carefully across the school, ensuring that by the time our children are ready for the next stage of their education, they have experienced progressive and ambitious history and geography curriculums.
The link below will take you to the table that demonstrates how we organise these units.
They are planned so that children can make links between different times in history, beginning with children’s own history in our Reception class to the earliest civilisations in Year 6. The units also give chance for children in KS2 to revisit skills, but apply them to a different historical periods.
For geography, our units begin with children learning more about the world immediately around them, through to understanding the planet, learning about diverse places and finally understanding the earth’s natural formations.
By teaching these units simultaneously during the Autumn and Spring terms, we can capitalise on opportunities to raise not only the profile the subjects themselves but also the profile of historians and geographers in the world around us, ensuring that as children grow they have a good understanding of the careers and job opportunities these subjects can lead to.
During the Summer Term children learn about the history and geography of their local area. By revisiting this unit children develop a sound knowledge and of their local and nearby communities. They develop an understanding of their heritage and of the opportunities available to them. We aim for Crestwood Park children to leave our school proud of their community, confident to explore what it has to offer and ready to effectively contribute towards it.