Welcome to

Crestwood Park Primary School

Be the best you can be

Bikeability 2024

The training will take place on

Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th November


  • Children are to come into school with their bikes – place them on the playground on the wall – where it says Football and other games.
  • The Bikeability leaders will check the bikes over to make sure they are roadworthy and suitable for the training.
  • Helmets are advised - we highly recommend your child wearing a helmet for their own safety.


  • Children can come to school wearing their own comfortable clothes which are suitable to ride in (no baggy/loose clothing that could get caught in the moving parts of the bike).
  • As the children will be outside, please make sure they layer up.
  • They will need a waterproof coat and gloves.
  • Suitable footwear should be worn.


After school on Monday, children will take their bikes home and return them to school the following morning to complete the rest of the training.


If you have any questions before Monday – please email me on


Information below - which was sent out on the 24.10.24

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