Welcome to

Crestwood Park Primary School

Be the best you can be

Recovering from COVID and staying safe!

Thankfully we are now (almost!) back to school life as it had been before COVID! In order to keep our children, parents and staff as safe as possible, we would like to draw your attention to documents that set out the government advice and the decisions we have made in school.

As always, please speak t any member of staff if you have any questions or concerns.


Our Risk Assessment

Our current COVID Risk Assessment was first written in July 2020. Since then it had 14 updates and revisions! As many of the aspects of the risk assessment are no longer relevant, we will now refer directly to the local authority Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), written by the local Public Health team. Pease find the link below. Should we need to reinstate our risk assessment, we will publish it on this page. 

Our Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

Questions you may have...

Q. Do parents  need to wear masks on the playground when dropping off and picking up?

A. No you don't need to wear a mask unless you'd prefer to. Please remember that drop off is anytime from 8:40am but children MUST be in school by 9am. Pick-up is at 3:15pm for everyone.  


Q. Will children still be in their class 'bubbles'?

A. No, children are able to mix. 


Q. Will children still need to keep to certain areas at playtime?

Q. Children are outside on the playground together and will not need to keep to designated areas.


Q. Will children still be washing hands in school?

A. Yes, children will still wash their hands on arrival, and at the other expected times- such as before eating.


Q. How will classrooms be kept clean?

A. Frequently touched surfaces will still be cleaned during the school day as well as the usual cleaning from our site team every morning. Rooms will continue to be well-ventilated. There will still be a lidded bin in every room for used tissues.


Q. Will staff still wear visors/masks?

A. Staff are not required to wear visors/ masks when speaking to visitors and parents.


Q. Will staff still do LFTs?

A. There is no longer an obligation for staff to carry out weekly LFTs. 


Q. Will my child need to stay at home if I test positive?

A. No, your child will not need to self-isolate.


Q. Will our children be able to go to assemblies with other year groups and will there be assemblies for parents to attend too?

A. Yes, children now attend whole school assemblies in the school hall. Our Friday assembly is now also open to parents.

New Guidance from 11th Jan 2022

Some general points to note:

Thank you for your support and understanding. If you need to talk to a member of staff, please call school on 01384 818315 (during term time) or email on info@crestwood-p.dudley.sch.uk (This email address will be checked once a week during school holidays so please bear with us if we don't reply immediately.)

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