Welcome to

Crestwood Park Primary School

Be the best you can be

Year Six Peer Supporters

Who are we?

We are all in Year 6. You can spot us in the classroom because we wear small, red star badges on our collars. When we are outside 'on duty' we wear black caps and/or florescent tabards. We have other roles too like digital ambassadors, house captains, anti-bullying ambassadors, school councillors and reading ambassadors.

What do we do?

All of us have been trained to-
  • appreciate, understand and value that we are all different in many different ways
  • understand that people have different perspectives on all sorts of issues
  • understand their own and other people's feelings
  • know what empathy is and how to exercise it
  • understand that bullying is wrong
  • understand what resilience is
  • appreciate the importance of clear communication
  • appreciate the importance of listening attentively
  • support their fellow pupils using the 'SUPPORT' model

Sometimes we need to be befrienders and listeners. For this role we have been trained to...

  • listen to pupils who are feeling sad or lonely
  • take time to listen to those pupils who seem to end to talk to somebody
  • help pupils find others to play with
  • look for pupils who are on their own and look upset or sad or lonely
  • talk to members of staff if they feel something is quite serious

Sometimes we act as Play Leaders...

A playleaders' role is to help start games and activities in the playground or on the field. We encourage other pupils to take part, give praise when someone is doing well and motivate others to join in. We help younger children to develop basic ball skills and get better at hand-eye coordination. 

How did we get this role?

We have worked closely with Believe 2 Achieve, a charity that works with children in schools to help improve our self-esteem, our personal development and our educational experiences. We have had lots of training so we can do a good job of helping our peers at break and lunchtimes.

Read more about the programme we have covered below...

A School Life Website
School Life app download
School Life app download
Wellbeing Award for Schools
Silver School Games Award