Welcome to

Crestwood Park Primary School

Be the best you can be

Diary Dates for week beginning 29th January 2018

MONDAY 2:15 - 3:15pm Lapwood Lambs
TUESDAY 3:15 - 4:15pm KS1 Gymnastics
WEDNESDAY 3:15 - 4:15pm KS2 Gymnastics
THURSDAY 3:15 - 4:00pm Running Club
3:15 - 4:15pm KS2 Multi Sports
FRIDAY 2.45pm Praise Assembly

Forward Planning

9th 2:45pm Year 4 Class Assembly
14th 4:00 - 6:30pm Parents Evening
15th Book Fair Arrives
15th 6:00 - 8:30pm Parents Evening
16th 3:15pm Break up for half term
26th 8:55am Children return to School
9th 2:30pm Mothers Day Service
23rd Foodbank Friday
Week beginning 26th Fabulous Finishes (Details to be confirmed)
28th Reports out to parents
29th 9:00am Easter Service followed by Easter Egg Raffle
29th 2:15pm Achievers Assembly followed by Easter Bonnet Parade
29th 3:15pm Break up for Easter.

Wizard of Oz Pantomime Success!

Everyone appeared to have enjoyed the Pantomime on Wednesday - oh yes they did! Thank you to all parents for their support, which resulted in a smooth end to a lovely afternoon.

Mysterious Missing Uniform!

The mysteries of missing uniform continue to haunt us. We have many children whose uniform seems to disappear completely, never to be seen again. We are assured by parents that these items are labelled and should be traceable but no - despite extensive searches the 'uniform triangle' strikes again!

Can we remind all parents that uniform should be clearly labelled with your child's name or initials. This make it easy to reunite items in lost property with their rightful owner. Can you also check all uniform items at home and if it's not your child's, please send it back. If everyone's clothes were labelled, we would not have this recurring problem so our first request is the most important.

Chicken Pox

We have had another instance of a child in school who have been diagnosed with Chicken Pox (in Reception). As we are all aware, children are infectious before the rash appears so we could see more cases soon. If your child is unwell - high temperatures, lethargy - please check for Chicken Pox spots

Classroom in the Clouds

I'm sure the children all enjoyed the Pizza treat this morning, and also wearing their own clothes in red, white and blue based around the Nepalese flag. The sale of bookmarks has gone very well so far too. We are sure to have raised lots of money which will go towards this fantastic charity which supports the education of children in remote villages of Nepal. We will let you know the final amount when we have finished counting it. Thank you for being so generous.

Spare / Outgrown Clothes for KS1

Many thanks to those who have rummaged around and were able to bring in their children's outgrown clothes for use when our KS1 children have had a little 'accident'. If anyone has any more we are still happy to take them, particularly pants (boys and girls) and tights, but also trousers.

All donations will be most gratefully received, just pop them into the school office.

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